The Breakaway Travel Blog

Thursday, March 6, 2008

How Slow Can You Go?

Too often on vacation, we hurry, hurry, hurry, trying to fit in everything possible every day of our trip (think Disney World). Well, a new movement is encouraging travelers to take a different mindset, and instead, slow down and enjoy the ride.

The slow movement, which extends beyond travel, is about taking the time to do things properly fully and effectively. It started with the slow food movement in the 1980s.

Slowness absolutely something all of our trips at Breakaway Adventures are about. Forget racing from landmark to attraction to museum before the sun sets. We want you to wander, pedal through the back roads of places you’ve never been, stop and chat with the locals, have a picnic in the grass overlooking a spectacular view, discover a roadside café, take a dive in the hidden lake, hike through thick forests.

Forget hopping on the bus and looking at your destination through a window as you journey to the next stop on your itinerary. Get out and explore, at your own pace on your own time, and make your own fun.

If you want to find out more about how to go slow, check out these links:



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