The Breakaway Travel Blog

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Share Your Thoughts With the TSA

Got something to say – good or bad – about the Transportation Security Administration? Check out their blog at, which started Jan. 30, and let them know your thoughts.

According to a New York Times article, Kip Hawley, TSA director, started the blog titled Evolution of Security, “to harness the amount of energy that’s out there, and our need to get the passenger and us on the same side.”

And it’s not a bunch of promotional talk, either. They allow real back and forth, including plenty of complaints, between Hawley and his readers. On the blog, you’ll also find the latest news and updates about the TSA and its procedures, as well as links to other independent bloggers, personal blogs by five TSA employees and news reports.

Who knows? Maybe you’ll even encourage change. Says the New York Times: “Last week, readers scored a point after some complained about a security procedure. At some airports, screeners had been ordering passengers to remove all electronics from their bags, rather than just laptops. There is no such rule. ‘We learned that this exercise was set up by local T.S.A. officers,’ the agency reported back on the blog. By Monday afternoon, the word had gone out to T.S.A. screeners nationally: BlackBerrys, iPods and other electronics stay in bags.”



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